Due Diligence Case Study

Due Diligence Case Study: Poor Bookkeeping Leads to Confusion

This is a true story of one of my due diligence assignments regarding a thief operating from within a tree trimming and landscaping company in Northern California.

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What Business is Right for You?

The Best Way to Find the Right Business for You

The time to get advice is early in the game, not after you have signed a purchase agreement and suddenly find that you have only 10 days to complete all due diligence

Many people look for a good, profitable business of any type. That makes sense… or does it?

People such as this are not picky as to the type of business as long as it makes money. Using this technique it is very common to look at a hundred businesses and even then to find out – after hours and hours of research – that what you learned did not agree with what you were told. Such an approach is one way to go about it.   Read more

Trouble Shooting Your Business Buying

Being able to trouble shoot a problem is an art that must be developed.

Though there are those who think they are naturally good at it. There are a very small number of business schools that actually train you in the art of doing this, I only know of one. Read more

Clock clock tick tock

Consulting “By the Minute”

Last week, at the end of the day, I was ready to go home, but because I had to wait for my wife, I could not. Not being one to lay back in my chair, and close my eyes, I had an idea. It has been months since I acted like a business buyer and went on the web to see who in the cloud also offered CPA Due Diligence services. To my amazement I came up on the first page!

Next, I put in due diligence services and I found dozens of listings related to due diligence computers. I am not young enough to compete with computers that do due diligence and I do not understand how a computer can even do “due diligence.” Will someone tell me how a computer smells fraud?   Read more

Business Buying Techniques: “The Back Door”

The battle cry of investing is “Reduce risk while at the same time increase the yield.”  This is the game that people with money to invest try to do everyday.  In the end it is difficult if not impossible to measure risk, so many decisions are made based on emotions or feelings about an investment or stock.

One of your friends, comes to you with a new business start up

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Who Can I Trust?

When Making a Business Acquisition, Whom Can You Trust?

When a business broker tries to play both sides of the buying and selling process, it can mean trouble for the buyer, seller, or both. Don’t get had by a “dual agent” broker.

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